9 months are enough for you to fetch good marks in your 11 Plus exam. First of all decide which school you want an admission.

You can easily gather an information about how much marks you will need for these exams from last years cut-off. Speak to your peers or tutors and they should be able to guide you. Else google is the key. That cut-off should be your least benchmark to prepare for.

If you are planning the schools which assess you on GL pattern, then concentrate more on Maths and English. It gives you more time for number of questions compared to CEM pattern. So, students those who are strong in Maths and English are expected to get good score in GL pattern-based exams. Study the theory related to the topic of Maths and English from Champs Learning textbook itself. Make a formula book while studying for Maths and a diary book for pattern observed in grammar and comprehension while studying for English. I recommend you write formula /trick on your own so that you will be able to remember properly. However, you can use any formula book available in market.

Solve each and every question from Champs Learning textbook or any practice papers from market. also solve as many practice papers as possible. These are enough to get 85% + in 11 Plus exam which normally been considered as cut -off.

For practice paper you need to follow a strategy. It doesn’t matter how many papers you have practiced but it matters how many questions from each paper you can solve in given time.

Apply this strategy. Solve a practice paper in give time. Score it with the given answer. Take a small break. Now with no time limit, solve the questions which you got wrong or you didn’t get time in give time to attempt. This effort will get you some questions solved correctly. Score them.

Make a note of the question you still couldn’t solve correctly. Approach your Champs Learning tutor to get them explained and understand.

Now solve the complete practice paper again in time limit. You should be able to score maximum in this attempt. If you still have some questions which you can’t solve within given time then mark these questions in your notebook. These are the questions you need to practice more for understanding and time management.

Also, It would be better to study one chapter from Champs Learning books and solve its questions from any ques paper book. Apply the same strategy as above for solving practice questions.

Many time questions repeat in 11 Plus. The figures or data may vary but the format remains unchanged. So, solving practice papers will help you a lot during exam Concept and Practice matters a lot.

So, when you have completed all the topic books from Champs Learning and practice questions revise all the formula once set the time and solve a sample mock question papers conducted by Champs Learning.

Listen to analysis of each question paper and attend the simulation exercise of Mock 11 Plus exam by Champs Learning. It gives you an insight how a teacher approaches practice paper within given time limit.

All the Best!!