The way 11 plus exam pattern is changing, one can expect new question format and patterns in coming years. Discussing one of the new question format from English section which can be expected in forthcoming 11 plus exams.

One word Substitution is one of the integral parts of vocabulary. It simply means that a sentence has to be replaced with a single word. This area requires a good vocabulary to solve the questions well. Questions based on one word substitution are often asked in various competitive exams.

For example: A hater of womankind - Misogynist

One easy method of doing one word substitution is by using the root method. Roots are nothing but the words from which the main word has been derived. In our other series of vocabulary, we have consolidated the lists of root words that will ease your preparation.

For example:

Look at the root word - CRACY.


A government by the people - Democracy

A government by a king or queen - Monarchy

A government by the officials - Bureaucracy

A government by the rich - Plutocracy

A government by few - Oligarchy

A government by the nobles - Aristocracy

Let's learn more examples:


One who is all powerful - Omnipotent

One who is present everywhere - Omnipresent

One who knows everything - Omniscient


Killing of a human being - Homicide

Killing/ Murder of a king - Regicide

Killing of an Infant/ newborn baby - Infanticide

Killing of a race or community - Genocide

Killing of One's sister - Sorocide

Killing of self or self-murder - Suicide

Killing of either or both parents - Parricide

Killing of one's brother - Fratricide

Killing of one's father - Patricide

Killing of one's mother - Matricide

Killing of one's husband - Mariticide

Killing of one's wife - Uxoricide

Ible= Able to be

Inaudible - a sound that cannot be heard

Inaccessible - that cannot be easily approached

Incorrigible - incapable of being corrected

Irreparable - incapable of being repaired

Illegible - incapable of being read

Inevitable - incapable of being avoided

Impracticable - incapable of being practiced

Invincible - one, too strong to be overcome

Indelible - that cannot be erased

Indefatigable - one, who does not tire easily

Infallible - one, who is free from all mistakes and failures

Learning through word roots will make it easy for you to grasp more and enhance your vocabulary. The above given list of word roots will surely help you in this regards. It's always advisable to learn one word substitution with the help of word roots to ease your vocabulary building and expand your word base exponentially.